Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rich Carnes Comes In 8th Place On June 18th

It was a hard one last saturday night. Rich Carnes just wasn't feeling the car was working with him. His hopes are high for this week. He is in 2nd place in points for the season thus far. And his expectations are on finishing in first place. We're all behind him in his effort to win the season.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rich Carnes Julyt 31st 2010 WIN - Watch It Now

#17 Rich Carnes Is number One Going Into June 11th Race

After coming in 3rd place on opening day Rich Carnes is number one in points for the season. Additional points where awarded to racers who's cars where at the Mckinly Mall Auto Show. With June 11th right around the corner, Carnes is ready to hold on to his lead.

Check out the link below for a look at the first race of the year.